Fun Girls’ Night Ideas Because He Blew You Off

Men may come and go, but your girlfriends are forever. So next time you’ve scheduled your entire day around a date and already taken an hour to get ready before he suddenly blows you off, use this opportunity to frantically text all your friends, see who can meet up, and make it a girls’ night that you won’t forget!

Spa Soirée

There’s nothing quite like a spa night for resting, rejuvenating and recharging after he texted you saying he has a “cold” one hour before your date. So swing by a Duane Reade on the way home from the restaurant you were supposed to meet Dave at, and pick up a few essentials: nail polish, a drugstore bottle of wine, and a clay masque (de-puffing is good because you’ve been crying!). Then throw together a spa party for the reliable gal pals who responded to your desperate text plea for fun. A night of manicures and a lot of drinking won’t take away the pain of being blown off, but at least your nails will look cute!

Craft Party

Crafting is a great way to bond with your clique, who seem to be the only ones you can rely on to prioritize your wellbeing and understand your time is valuable! Crafting will keep your hands occupied so you don’t accidentally send Dave a flurry of texts asking why he doesn’t prioritize your wellbeing or understand that your time is valuable. And who doesn’t love friendship bracelets??

Movie Night

You spent the earlier part of the evening perfecting your hair, makeup and outfit for your date, and then the second part of your evening desperately scrambling to see who was available for a last-minute meet-up, so now it’s time to unwind, queen! Pop the popcorn and fire up Netflix. Your friends will love hearing you say the frustrated thoughts that keep popping into your head like, “Tom Hanks would never do this to me” and “Why can’t Dave manage basic tasks like scheduling and communication?”

Aggressive Dancing

Let’s face it: Before your guy blew you off, you were looking date-ready and in the mood for romance, so why not capitalize on that energy and hit the club? What better way to celebrate your female friendships than by aggressively dancing until the dancing turns to tears? Everybody loves girl’s night!!

In the end, it doesn’t matter what you do: it only matters that you’re spending time with the girlfriends who love you. So whether it’s getting a drink, baking cookies or throwing a rock through his window, it only matters that you’re doing it together and that they know that they were your last choice of company for the evening.